press release
December 13, 2022
min read

New Technology Platform Fynn, Offers Senior Living Operators New Tools To Manage Senior Living Proactively And More Efficiently

Fynn’s holistic senior living platform aligns stakeholders using real-time analytics and artificial intelligence.

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Fynn’s holistic senior living platform aligns stakeholders using real-time analytics and artificial intelligence

(Atlanta, Georgia – September 13, 2022) Technology company, Fynn, announces the launch of a senior living operating platform that offers a new paradigm for seniors and those who care for them. The new technology brings innovation, such as artificial intelligence and gamification, to senior living—making proactive care and efficiencies possible for operators while providing a better experience for the rapidly growing senior population and their families.

“We knew our solution had to meet multiple needs. It had to record and share information in real-time, be intuitive, and address all aspects of daily operations while aligning everyone—including seniors, families, senior living operators, care teams, and community partners—toward a proactive and efficient approach to wellness,” said Rob Lewis, president of Fynn.

Fynn drives efficiency to help improve proactive care coordination, reduce costs and frustrations caused by manual processes and redundancies, and refocuses collaboration among caregivers who include family members, care teams, and senior living operators, employees, and owners. It answers a profound need for real-time qualitative and quantitative information about the health and well-being of residents to give all care collaborators a deeper understanding of resident wellness. The holistic system marries efficiency with the human touch of care teams to deliver a better decision-making fabric for seniors and their families.

“Two of the most challenging inefficiencies we identified in connection with senior living communities were lack of communication and meaningful analytics. We realized that existing solutions were either too disjointed or hard-to-use to effectively alleviate these challenges for senior living, so we built Fynn,” said Lewis.

Fynn coordinates and elevates the senior living ecosystem—seniors, their families, care providers, and communities—to anticipate residents’ physical and emotional needs and external changes early, so care and support can be adjusted in more timely ways, and seniors can continue an active and engaged lifestyle.

Supporting, engaging, and empowering senior living team members is especially important. Fynn elevates staff from being positioned as task managers into being recognized as valued team members whose expertise and insights are sought, heard, and acted upon. Fynn’s commitment to supporting community team members is evident in everything from a straightforward user experience to the way communities deploy the solution.

“In everything we build and do, our goal is to empower senior living professionals in their support and care of residents and community members,” said Lewis.

Through a simple data entry dashboard and easy user experiences, Fynn delivers:

  • Earlier notification of acuity changes for better preventative care
  • Permissioned real-time reporting and scoring of health, wellness, and external conditions
  • Integrations with existing administrative systems, such as accounting and HR
  • Care trend analysis
  • Staff-to-resident performance matching, scheduling, and load-balancing
“Just because an individual is retired does not mean they have retired their purpose or contributions to family and community. Fynn helps residents live longer, more independent lives,” Lewis said.

About Fynn

Fynn is a technology company focused on connecting people with the tools and information they need for successful senior living. Emerging from an experienced owner/operator’s decade-long search for an effective operating system, Fynn’s comprehensive solution is designed to meet the diverse needs of all senior living stakeholders. The intuitive platform addresses user-identified gaps to connect, inform, and empower seniors and those who care for them. More information can be found at

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Ready to Meet Fynn? is the easiest care management platform in the market to implement. Our user-friendly system is purpose-built for senior living, streamlining daily tasks with modern workflows and real time care insights to enhance resident care, inspire happier caregivers, and drive profitable communities.

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