Facilities Terms Of Service

This Agreement governs your license to and use of our services. The parties agree as follows:


1. Definitions

1.1. “Affiliate” means any entity that, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such entity (but only for so long as such control exists), where “control” means the ownership of more than 50% of the outstanding shares or securities representing the right to vote in the election of directors or other managing authority of such entity.

1.2. “Agreement” means these Terms of Service and all Service Orders you enter into with us.

1.3. “Authorized User” means your employees or contractors for whom you create a unique user name and password under your account.

1.4. “Family Member” means each individual for whom a Resident invites to create a unique user name and password under such Resident’s account.

1.5. “Living Unit” means the area occupied by you at the Property.

1.6. “Documentation” means our user documentation found at https://fynn.io/user-resources/.

1.7. “Other Resident” means any person who lives in the Living Unit leased by the Primary Resident.

1.8. “Primary Resident” means the person who has signed a lease for a Living Unit at the Property.

1.9. “Property”means the residential living facility and/or property owned or controlled by you.

1.10. “Regulated Data” means personal data, personal information, non-public personal information, personally identifiable information, health information, cardholder data or any similarly regulated data (e.g., “Sensitive Personal Data,” “Protected Health Information,” etc.) as defined under relevant privacy or data protection laws, including the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as amended), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Without limitation, “Regulated Data” includes: personal financial and financial account information, sexual orientation, personal medical or health information, personal information of children under 13, personal education records, and social security, national identity, national insurance, and similar personal identifiers.

1.11. “Scope Limitations” means those limitations on the use of a Service that are set forth in a Service Order (e.g., task limits, user limits or data limits).

1.12. “Service” means the Fynn platform software-as-a-service or other services identified in the Service Order, as we may modify such services from time to time in our discretion.

1.13. “Service Order” means an ordering document entered into between you and us specifying the services to be provided thereunder, including any addenda and supplements thereto, and specifically includes any service order created online or a sign-up page.By entering into a Service Order under this Agreement, a Resident and Affiliate agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement as if it were an original party to the Agreement.

1.14. “Resident” means the Primary Resident and the Other Resident(s).

1.15. “Resident Data” means any data uploaded into the Service, or otherwise provided for processing by the Service, by or on behalf of a Resident.

1.16. “Subscription Fees” means the fees for the Service specified in the Service Order.

1.17. “Support Services” means our then-current technical support services offering, as described at support@fynn.io.

1.18. “Terms of Service” means these Terms of Service.

1.19. “Third Party App” means a software application developed or provided by a third party or by you that interoperates with the Service and that, as applicable, may be listed in a marketplace or list of potential integrations that we make available and update from time to time.

1.20. “We” or “Us” or “Our” means Fynn Technologies, Inc., d/b/a Fynn.io, or its designated Affiliate if specified in a Service Order.

1.21. “You” or “Your” means the company or other legal entity named on the Service Order, the person indicating acceptance of this Agreement, or if the person indicating acceptance of this Agreement is acting on behalf of a company or other legal entity, such company or legal entity.

2. Use Of The Service

2.1. Use of the Service.. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, we grant to you (and if set forth in a Service Order, your Affiliates) a limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as explicitly permitted in this Agreement) right during the term of this Agreement to remotely access and use the Service solely in accordance with the Documentation to communicate with Residents and their applicable Family Members. Your rights to use the Service are subject to any Scope Limitations and contingent upon your compliance with the Scope Limitations and this Agreement. You are solely responsible for your and each Authorized Users’ use of the Services and all activities occurring using your Authorized User’s login credentials. You acknowledge that we may, but have no obligation to, monitor use of the Service, but we may remove or disable any information that you make publicly available on the Service at any time for any reason or for no reason at all. We are not responsible for the availability, accuracy, appropriateness, or legality of Resident Data or any other information you may access using the Service.

2.2. Use of the Documentatio. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, we grant to you and your Affiliates a limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as explicitly permitted in this Agreement) right during the term of this Agreement to reproduce, without modification, and internally use a reasonable number of copies of the Documentation solely in connection with use of the Service in accordance with this Agreement.

2.3. Use Restrictions. You shall ensure that the Service is used in accordance with the Documentation. Except as otherwise explicitly provided in this Agreement, you will not, and will not permit or authorize your Affiliates or third parties to: (a) rent, lease, or, except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement, otherwise permit third parties to use the Service or Documentation; (b) use the Service to provide services to third parties as a service bureau or in any way that violates applicable law; (c) circumvent or disable any security or other technological features or measures of the Service, or attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a network or system, or to breach security or authentication measures; (d) upload or provide for processing any information or material that is illegal, defamatory, offensive, abusive, obscene, or that violates privacy or intellectual property rights of any third party; or (e) send, store, or distribute any viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other disabling code or malware component harmful to a network or system. You will neither alter nor remove any trademark, copyright notice, or other proprietary rights notice that may appear in any part of the Documentation and will include all such notices on any copies. You will ensure that your Affiliates and Authorized Users comply with this Agreement. You will be directly and fully responsible to us for their conduct and any breach of this Agreement by them. We reserve the right to deactivate, change, or require you to change your user ID and any custom or vanity URLs, custom links, or vanity domains you may obtain through the Service for any reason or for no reason. We may exercise such right at any time, with or without prior notice.

2.4. Authorized Users. This Agreement restricts the use of the Service to Authorized Users, subject to any Scope Limitations. An Authorized User must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and accounts must not be shared among users. Authorized Users who are employees or contractors of a third party may access and use the Service solely to perform such third party’s contractual obligations to you subject to the use limitations set forth in this Agreement. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users. Additionally, we are not responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, authenticity, or completeness of any of the Resident Data or any other information provided by other users or any other third party. You hereby release us from all claims, demands, or damages of every kind, known or unknown, in any way connected with (i) any relationship arising between users of the Services, (ii) any dispute between you and another user, or (iii) arising out of any services which originated through the Services or were otherwise provided by a user. Additionally, you agree to immediately report to us any false information provided or misconduct by any user of the Services.

2.5. Protection against Unauthorized Use. You, your Affiliates and Authorized Users will use reasonable efforts to prevent any unauthorized use of the Service or Documentation, and you will immediately notify us in writing of any unauthorized use that comes to your attention. If there is unauthorized use by anyone who obtained access to the Service or Documentation directly or indirectly through you, your Affiliate, or a Authorized User, you will take all steps reasonably necessary to terminate the unauthorized use. You will cooperate and assist with any actions taken by us to prevent or terminate unauthorized use of the Service or Documentation. We may, at our expense and no more than once every 12 months with reasonable notice, appoint our own personnel or an independent third party to verify that your use of the Service complies with the terms of this Agreement.

2.6. Beta Versions. From time to time, we may make available for you to try, at your sole discretion, certain functionality related to the Service, which is clearly designated as beta, pilot, limited release, non-production, or by a similar description (each, a “Beta Version”). Beta Versions are intended for evaluation purposes and not for production use, are not supported, and may be subject to additional terms. We may discontinue Beta Versions at any time in our sole discretion and may never make them generally available. We have no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with a Beta Version.

2.7. Reservation of Rights. We retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Service and Documentation and all related intellectual property rights, including any modifications, updates, customizations, apps, or other add-ons. Your rights to use the Service and Documentation are limited to those expressly set forth in this Agreement. We reserve all other rights in and to the Service and Documentation.

2.8. Service Availability. We perform and maintain regular database backups according to the retention policy appropriate for the particular system. We incorporate database and system maintenance operations and processes designed to address data consistency, indexing, and integrity requirements that also help improve query performance. We have implemented and will maintain commercially reasonable measures intended to avoid unplanned Service interruptions. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you in advance of planned Service interruptions. In the event of an unplanned Service interruption, you may contact us for Support Service, as described in this Agreement. The Service depends on the availability of the Resident Data from you and third-party data providers. You are responsible for making the Resident Data available that is necessary for us to provide the Service.

3. Support Services

We will provide you with the applicable Support Services for the type or version of the Service as set forth in the applicable Service Order.

4. Third-Party Products

4.1. Third-Party Products. Any third-party product or services that interoperates with the Services (e.g., a Third Party App) is provided pursuant to the terms of the applicable third-party agreement. We assume no responsibility for, and specifically disclaim any liability or obligation with respect to, any third-party product or service.

4.2. Third Party Apps. We do not warrant or support Third Party Apps. If you install or enable a Third Party App for use with the Service, you grant us permission to allow the provider of that Third Party App to access Resident Data as required for the interoperation of that Third Party App with the Service. We are not responsible for any disclosure, modification, or deletion of Resident Data by the applicable provider resulting from access by a Third Party App. If we believe a Third Party App violates our policies, this Agreement, applicable law, or the rights of any third party, we may disable the Third Party App and suspend use of the Third Party App until the potential violation is resolved.

5. Fees And Payment

5.1. Fees and Payment Terms. Unless otherwise specified in a Service Order, the Subscription Fees for the Initial Term (the “Initial Term”) are due upon execution of the Service Order.After the Initial Term, Subscription Fees will be invoiced either monthly or annually as set forth in the applicable Service Order and at the then-current rate for the Service. Fees for additional Service quantities, including additional tasks, data or Authorized Users, as may be applicable, will be invoiced at the time of order, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. You will pay all amounts in full within 30 days after the invoice date. The charges in an invoice will be considered accepted by You unless we are notified of a good faith dispute in writing within 15 days of the date of the invoice. Unless expressly provided otherwise in a Service Order, all amounts payable under this Agreement are denominated in United States dollars, and You will pay all such amounts in United States dollars.

5.2. Late Payment. Any amount not paid when due will be subject to finance charges equal to 1.5% of the unpaid balance per month or the highest rate permitted by applicable usury law, whichever is less, determined and compounded monthly from the date due until the date paid. You will reimburse any costs or expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by us to collect any amount that is not paid when due. Amounts due from You under this Agreement may not be withheld or offset by You against amounts due to You for any reason.

5.3. Taxes. The fees stated in a Service Order do not include local, state, federal, or foreign taxes (e.g., value-added, sales, or use taxes), or fees, duties, or other governmental charges resulting from this Agreement (“Taxes”). You are responsible for paying all applicable Taxes. If we determine that we have the legal obligation to pay or collect Taxes, we will add such Taxes to the applicable invoice and You will pay such Taxes, unless You provide us with a valid tax exemption certificate from the appropriate taxing authority. If a taxing authority subsequently pursues us for unpaid Taxes for which You are responsible under this Agreement and which You did not pay to us, we may invoice You and You will pay such Taxes to us or directly to the taxing authority, plus all applicable interest, penalties and fees.

5.4. Future Functionality. Your use of the Services are not contingent on the delivery of any future functionality or features, or dependent on any oral or written public comments made by us regarding future functionality or features.

6. Term And Termination

6.1. Term. This Agreement commences on the effective date specified in the Service Order and continues for the initial subscription term specified in the Service Order, unless this Agreement is terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Service Order, this Agreement automatically renews for additional successive terms of equal duration to the immediately preceding term unless at least 30 days before the end of the then-current term either party provides written notice to the other party that it does not intend to renew.

6.2. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party does not cure its material breach of this Agreement within 30 days of receiving written notice of the material breach from the non-breaching party. A breach of this Agreement by your Affiliate, or an Authorized User will be treated as a breach by you. Termination in accordance with this subsectionwill take effect when the breaching party receives written notice of termination from the non-breaching party, which notice must not be delivered until the breaching party has failed to cure its material breach during the 30-day cure period. If you fail to timely pay any Subscription Fees, we may, without limitation to any of our other rights or remedies, suspend performance of the Service and Support Services until we receive all amounts due, or may terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Subsection.

6.3. Suspensions. If you become aware, or if we have reason to believe, that any Authorized User, Third Party App or Resident Data constitutes a security threat or violates this Agreement or any applicable laws, you will immediately suspend the Authorized User’s access, use of the Third Party App and/or remove the relevant Resident Data (as applicable). If you fail to immediately suspend or remove such user, app or data, we may specifically request that you do so or we may disable the Third Party App, remove the applicable Resident Data, suspend the Services and/or disable your account (as may be applicable or appropriate in our reasonable discretion) until such security threat or violation is resolved. Suspension will be to the minimum extent required to resolve the issue, and if we suspend a Third Party App or your account, for any reason, without prior notice to you, we will provide you the reason for the suspension as soon as is reasonably possible.

6.4. Post-Termination Obligations. If this Agreement is terminated for any reason: (a) we have no obligation to provide or perform any Service or Support Services after the effective date of the termination; (b) you will immediately pay to us any Subscription Fees and other amounts that have accrued prior to the effective date of the termination; (c) any and all liabilities accrued prior to the effective date of the termination will survive; (d) you will provide us with a written certification signed by your authorized representative certifying that all use of the Service and Documentation has been discontinued; and (e) Sections and Subsections 1, 2.7, 4, 5, 6.4, 7, 8.3, 9.5, 11, 12, and 13 will survive termination. If this Agreement is terminated by us for your uncured material breach or by you other than as a result of a material, uncured breach by us, you will pay to us the amounts due under the applicable Service Order for the remainder of the then-current term.

7. Confidential Information

7.1. Definition. “Confidential Information” means non-public business information, know-how, and trade secrets in any form, including information regarding our product plans, Beta Versions, terms of this Agreement, and any other information a reasonable person should understand to be confidential, which is disclosed by or on behalf of either party or its Affiliates to the other party or its Affiliates, directly or indirectly, in writing, orally, or by inspection of tangible objects, and whether such information is disclosed before or after the effective date specified on the Service Order.Confidential Information includes this Agreement and its terms. “Confidential Information” excludes information that (a) is publicly known and made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by the disclosing party through no action or inaction of the receiving party; (b) is already in the possession of the receiving party at the time of disclosure by the disclosing party, as shown by the receiving party’s files and records; (c) is obtained by the receiving party from a third party without a breach of the third party’s obligations of confidentiality; or (d) is independently developed by the receiving party without use of or reference to the disclosing party’s Confidential Information, as shown by documents and other competent evidence in the receiving party’s possession.

7.2. Maintenance of Confidentiality. The party receiving Confidential Information hereunder agrees to take reasonable steps, at least substantially equivalent to the steps it takes to protect its own proprietary information, but not less than reasonable care, to prevent the unauthorized duplication or disclosure of the Confidential Information to third parties without the disclosing party’s prior written consent. The receiving party may disclose the disclosing party’s Confidential Information to the receiving party’s employees, contractors or agents who reasonably need to have access to such information to perform the receiving party’s obligations under this Agreement, and who will treat such Confidential Information under the terms of this Agreement. We may disclose this Agreement to our auditors, attorneys, other advisors, actual and potential investors and funding sources and their representatives, in each case who agree to hold it in confidence. The receiving party may disclose the disclosing party’s Confidential Information if required by law so long as the receiving party gives the disclosing party written notice of the requirement prior to the disclosure (where permitted) and reasonable assistance, at the disclosing party’s expense, in limiting disclosure or obtaining an order protecting the information from public disclosure.

7.3. Return of Materials and Effect of Termination. Upon written request of the disclosing party, or in any event upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement, the receiving party will return to the disclosing party or destroy all materials, in any medium, to the extent containing or reflecting any of the disclosing party’s Confidential Information. Following expiration or termination of this Agreement, we may purge your Resident Data and your Service environment from our systems. The obligations in this Section 7 survive for three years following expiration or termination of this Agreement, except that Confidential Information that constitutes a trade secret of the disclosing party will continue to be subject to the terms of this Section 7 for as long as such information remains a trade secret under applicable law.

7.4. Feedback and Other Content. The Service may permit you, your Affiliates, and Authorized Users to submit feedback, user community contributions and comments, technical support information, suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations, and messages relating to the use and operation of the Service. You grant to us a royalty-free, fully paid, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable license to display, use, copy, modify, publish, perform, translate, create derivative works from, sublicense, distribute, and otherwise exploit such content without restriction.

8. Data Security

8.1. Data Security. We implement and maintain physical, electronic, and managerial procedures intended to protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure of Resident Data. These measures include encryption of Resident Data during transmission to the Service, and encryption of backups of Resident Data and authentication credentials at rest. We will notify you of any unauthorized access to, or use of, Resident Data that comes to our attention. If any unauthorized disclosure of Resident Data resulting from your use of the Service comes to our attention, we will work with you to investigate the cause of such unauthorized disclosure, and will work together in good faith to take the steps reasonably necessary to prevent any future reoccurrence and to comply with applicable data breach notification laws.

8.2. Data Transmission. You acknowledge that use of the Service involves transmission of Resident Data and other communications over the Internet and other networks, and that such transmissions could potentially be accessed by unauthorized parties. You must protect your Authorized User login names and passwords from access or use by unauthorized parties, and are solely responsible for any failure to do so. You must promptly notify us of any suspected security breach at support@fynn.io.

8.3. Resident Data. Resident Data is your property. We will store and use Resident Data as set forth in our privacy policy at Privacy Policy - Fynn. In addition, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, copy, transmit, sub-license, index, store, aggregate, and display Resident Data as required to provide or perform the Service, Support Services, and account management services, and to reproduce, publish, display, and distribute de-identified, aggregated information derived from Resident Data or from your use of the Service for any lawful purpose, including to improving our products and services, developing new products or services, and developing, displaying, and distributing benchmarks and similar reports, provided that any such data is not publicly identified or identifiable as originating with or associated with you or any individual person.

9. Warranties And Disclaimer

9.1. Mutual Warranties. Each party represents and warrants to the other that: (a) this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms; and (b) no authorization or approval from any third party is required in connection with such party’s execution and delivery of the Service Order, or performance of this Agreement.

9.2. Our Warranties. We warrant that the Service as delivered to you will materially conform to the specifications set forth in the applicable Service Order, during the term of the Service Order. You must notify us of a claim under this warranty within 30 days of the date on which the condition giving rise to the claim first appears. To the extent permitted by law, your sole and exclusive remedy arising out of or in connection with a breach of warranty is limited to correction of the non-conforming Service, or if correction or re-performance is not commercially reasonable, termination of the applicable Service Order and a pre-rated refund of any prepaid unused fees for the applicable Service.

9.3. Your Warranties. You represent and warrant that: (a) you will comply with all laws and regulations, including those applicable to your provision of data, Third Party Apps and your use of the Services, as applicable; (b) Resident Data and Third Party Apps, or either of them, do not violate or infringe any privacy rights or intellectual property rights of any third party; and (c) that nothing you or any of your Authorized Users upload to the Services will include, transmit or introduce any viruses, trojan horses, worms, spyware or other destructive or malicious code.

9.4. Regulated Data. You acknowledge that we may not be able to independently determine, and we do not monitor, whether any Resident Data constitutes Regulated Data. Unless we specifically agree otherwise in writing by entering into a separate, appropriate agreement with you, you represent and warrant that neither you nor any Authorized User will, either directly or through any integration with a Third Party App, upload into the Service, or otherwise provide for processing by the Service, any Regulated Data. You further represent and warrant that you and any Authorized User will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, self-regulatory guidelines, and your privacy policy with respect to the collection, transfer, and use of any personally identifiable information in connection with the Service, including proper disclosure and receipt of all required consents from each individual to transfer such personally identifiable information to us.


9.6. No Medical Advice. The Service is merely a tool that may be used to facilitate the communication of information and do not themselves constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information made available through the Services does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be used for or relied upon for any such purpose. It is your sole responsibility to seek any and all medical advice, diagnosis and treatments from a licensed healthcare provider. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT ANY DESCRIPTION PROVIDED THROUGH THE SERVICES IS ACCURATE, COMPLETE, RELIABLE, CURRENT, SAFE OR ERROR-FREE. THE SERVICES SHOULD NOT BE AND MAY NOT BE THE BASIS OF ANY TREATMENT DECISIONS WHICH ARE YOUR AND YOUR LICENSED HEALTHCARE PROVIDER’S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY, AND WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY IN RESPECT THEREOF. THE SERVICES AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN THE SERVICES ARE NOT A CERTIFIED ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD AND ANY AND ALL CLINICAL OR HEALTHCARE DECISIONS SHOULD BE MADE BY A LICENSED HEALTHCARE PROVIDER. ALL DATA SHOULD BE VALIDATED BY THE LICENSED HEALTHCARE PROVIDER.

10. Intellectual Property Infringement Indemnification

10.1. Defense of Infringement Claims. We will, at our expense, either defend you from or settle any claim, proceeding, or suit brought by a third party (“Claim”) against you alleging that your use of the Service infringes or misappropriates any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property right. You must (a) give us prompt written notice of the Claim; (b) grant us full and complete control over the defense and settlement of the Claim; (c) provide assistance in connection with the defense and settlement of the Claim as we may reasonably request; and (d) comply with any settlement or court order made in connection with the Claim. You will not defend or settle any Claim under this Subsection 10.1 without our prior written consent. You may participate in the defense of the Claim at your own expense and with counsel of your own choosing, subject to our sole control over the defense and settlement of the Claim as provided above.

10.2. Indemnification of Infringement Claims. We will indemnify you and your Affiliates from and pay: (a) all damages, costs, and attorneys’ fees finally awarded against you and your Affiliates in any Claim under Subsection 10.1; and (b) all amounts that we agree to pay to any third party to settle any Claim under Subsection10.1.

10.3. Exclusions from Obligations. We have no obligation under this Section10 for any infringement or misappropriation to the extent that it arises out of or is based upon (a) use of the Service in combination with other products or services; (b) any aspect of the Service or Resident Data configured specifically for you to comply with designs, requirements, or specifications required by or provided by or on your behalf; (c) use of the Service by you, any Affiliate, or any Authorized User outside the scope of the rights granted in this Agreement; (d) failure of you, any Affiliate, or any Authorized User to use the Service in accordance with instructions provided by Us; or (e) any modification of the Service not made or authorized in writing by Us (collectively, “Excluded Claims”).

10.4. Infringement Remedies. In the defense or settlement of any infringement Claim, we may, at our sole option and expense: (a) procure for you a license to continue using the Service; (b) replace or modify the allegedly infringing technology to avoid the infringement; or (c) if the foregoing are not commercially feasible in our sole judgment, then terminate your license and access to the Service and refund any prepaid, unused Service fees as of the date of termination. This Section10 states our sole and exclusive liability, and your sole and exclusive remedy, for the actual or alleged infringement or misappropriation of any third-party intellectual property right by the Service.

11. Indemnification

11.1. Defense. You will defend us and our Affiliates from any actual or threatened third-party Claim arising out of, related to or based upon (a) use of the Service by you, your Affiliates, or Authorized Users that is not in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or the Documentation; (b) any dispute between you and the provider of a Third Party App; (c) the Resident Data or other materials or information provided by you or on your behalf under this Agreement; and (d) Excluded Claims. We will give you prompt written notice of the Claim and provide assistance in connection with the defense and settlement of the Claim as you may reasonably request. We may participate in the defense of any Claim at our own expense and with counsel of our own choosing.

11.2. Indemnification. You will indemnify us from and pay: (a) all damages, costs, and attorneys’ fees finally awarded against us in any Claim under Subsection11.1; (b) all out-of-pocket costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees reasonably incurred by us in connection with the defense of a Claim under Subsection11.1; and (c) all amounts that you agree to pay to any third party to settle any Claim under Subsection11.1.

12. Limitations Of Liability



12.3. Independent Allocations of Risk. Each provision of this Agreement that provides for a limitation of liability, disclaimer of warranties, or exclusion of damages is to allocate the risks of this Agreement between the parties. This allocation is reflected in the pricing offered by us to you and is an essential element of the basis of the bargain between the parties. Each of these provisions is severable and independent of all other provisions of this Agreement. The limitations in this section will apply notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy in this Agreement.

13. Miscellaneous

13.1. Access by Competitors. You may not access the Service if you are our direct competitor, except with our prior written consent. In addition, you may not access the Service for purposes of monitoring its availability, performance, or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purpose.

13.2. U.S. Government Use. If the Service is licensed under a United States government contract, you acknowledge that the Service is a "commercial item" as defined in 48 CFR 2.101, consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such terms are defined in FAR Section 2.101 and Section 252.227-7014 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (48 CFR 252.227-7014) and used in 48 CFR 12.212 or 48 CFR 227.7202-1, as applicable. You also acknowledge that the Service is "commercial computer software" as defined in 48 CFR 252.227-7014(a)(1). United States government agencies and entities and others acquiring under a United States government contract will have only those rights, and will be subject to all restrictions, set forth in this Agreement.

13.3. Anti-Corruption. You have not received or been offered any illegal or improper bribe, kickback, payment, gift, or thing of value from any of our employees or agents in connection with this Agreement. Reasonable gifts and entertainment provided in the ordinary course of business do not violate the above restriction. If you learn of any violation of the above restriction, you will use reasonable efforts to promptly notify our Legal Department at finance@fynn.io.

13.4. Relationship. We will be and act as an independent contractor (and not as the agent or representative of you) in the performance of this Agreement.

13.5. Publicity. You are permitted to state publicly that you are a customer of the Services, consistent with our trademark usage guides and policies that we make available or update from time to time. If you want to display our trademarks, service marks or logos in connection with your use of the Services, you must obtain our written permission. We may include your name or trademarks, service marks or logos in a list of our customers, online or in promotional materials. We may also reference you as a customer of the Services and, subject to your consent, utilize your testimonials and/or trademarks, service marks or logos for advertising, marketing and related purposes. Neither party needs approval if it is repeating a public statement that is substantially similar to a previously-approved public statement. Any use of a party’s trademarks, service marks or logos will inure to the benefit of the party holding intellectual property rights to those trademarks, service marks or logos. Either party may revoke the other’s right to use its trademarks, service marks or logos under this Section with written notice and a reasonable period to stop the use.

13.6. Assignment and Delegation. You may not assign any of your rights or delegate any of your obligations under this Agreement (in whole or in part) without our prior written consent, except in connection with a change of control, merger, or by operation of law. Your assignment or delegation will not relieve you of your obligations under this Agreement nor release you of your liability under this Agreement.We may voluntarily, involuntarily, or by operation of law assign any of our rights or delegate any of our obligations under this Agreement without your consent. Any purported assignment or delegation in violation of this Subsection will be null and void.Subject to this Subsection, this Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of each party’s respective permitted successors and permitted assigns.

13.7. Subcontractors. We may use subcontractors or other third parties in carrying out our obligations under this Agreement and any Service Order. We remain responsible for all of our obligations under this Agreement.

13.8. Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given in accordance with this Agreement will be effective if it is in writing and sent by certified or registered mail, or overnight courier, return receipt requested, to the appropriate party at the address set forth in the Service Order and with the appropriate postage affixed. Either party may change its address for receipt of notice by notice to the other party in accordance with this Subsection. Notices are deemed given two business days following the date of mailing or one business day following delivery to a courier.

13.9. Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for, or be considered to be in breach of or default under this Agreement on account of, any delay or failure to perform as required by this Agreement as a result of any cause or condition beyond its reasonable control, including an act of nature, war, fires, natural disaster, governmental actions or regulations, terrorism, cyber-attacks, communication or utility failures or casualties or the failures or acts of third parties. The affected party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to avoid or remove the causes of non-performance.

13.10. Governing Law. This Agreement, the rights of the parties hereunder, and any disputes between the parties, shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the substantive and procedural laws of the State of Georgia, without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule that would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction.The parties expressly exclude all application of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods to this Agreement.The parties expressly and unconditionally agree that any dispute, case, or controversy in any way related to, arising under, or in connection with this Agreement, including extra-contractual claims (a “Proceeding”), shall only be instituted in the State of Georgia and in the Georgia State-Wide Business Court, provided that if the Georgia Business Court shall lack jurisdiction over any Proceeding, such Proceeding shall be brought in any appropriate state court sitting in Fulton, Georgia or in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia (Atlanta Division) (collectively, the “Permitted Courts”).Each party irrevocably: (a)consents to the jurisdiction of the Permitted Courts in such Proceedings, (b)agrees not to plead or claim that litigation brought in the Permitted Courts has been brought in an improper or inconvenient forum, and (c)waives the right to object, with respect to such Proceedings, that such court does not have jurisdiction over such party.[In any suit, arbitration, mediation, or other proceeding to enforce any right or remedy under this Agreement or to interpret any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, and all costs and fees incurred on appeal or in a bankruptcy or similar action.TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH PARTY HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVES (ON BEHALF OF ITSELF AND ON BEHALF OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY CLAIMING THROUGH THAT PARTY) ANY RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION, SUIT, PROCEEDING, OR COUNTERCLAIM OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY MANNER CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT.

13.11. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement, including your Affiliates and Authorized Users.

13.12. Waiver. Failure, neglect, or delay by a party to enforce the provisions of this Agreement or its rights or remedies at any time, will not be construed as a waiver of the party’s rights under this Agreement and will not in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of this Agreement or prejudice the party’s right to take subsequent action. Exercise or enforcement by either party of any right or remedy under this Agreement will not preclude the enforcement by the party of any other right or remedy under this Agreement or that the party is entitled by law to enforce.

13.13. Modifications. We may modify, upgrade or update the Services at any time in our discretion provided that we will not materially reduce or lessen the functionality of the Services during your subscription term set forth in a Service Order unless doing so is required to avoid a violation of applicable laws or regulations in our reasonable discretion. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change the terms of this Agreement on a going-forward basis at any time. If a change materially modifies your rights or obligations, you will be required to accept the modified Agreement in order to continue to use the Service. Material modifications are effective upon your acceptance of the modified Agreement. Immaterial modifications are effective upon publication. Disputes arising under this Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the version of this Agreement that was in effect at the time the dispute arose.

13.14. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is found to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid, the remaining portions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. If any material limitation or restriction on the use of the Service under this Agreement is found to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid, your right to use the Service will immediately terminate.

13.15. Headings. Headings are used in this Agreement for reference only and will not be considered when interpreting this Agreement.

13.16. Counterparts. The Service Order may be executed in any number of identical counterparts, notwithstanding that the parties have not signed the same counterpart, with the same effect as if the parties had signed the same document. All counterparts will be construed as and constitute the same agreement. The Service Order may also be executed and delivered by facsimile or electronically and such execution and delivery will have the same force and effect of an original document with original signatures.

13.17. Interpretation. For purposes of this Agreement, (a) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation”; (b) the word “or” is not exclusive; and (c) the words “herein,” “hereof,” “hereby,” “hereto” and “hereunder” refer to this Agreement as a whole. Should any provision of this Agreement require judicial interpretation, the parties agree that the court interpreting or construing the same may not apply a presumption that the terms of this Agreement will be more strictly construed against one party than against another.

13.18. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and all exhibits contain the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersede all previous communications, representations, understandings, and agreements, either oral or written, between the parties with respect to said subject matter, including any prior nondisclosure agreement between the parties or their Affiliates. If there is a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and a Service Order, the terms of the Service Order will control. No usage of trade or other regular practice or method of dealing between the parties will be used to modify, interpret, supplement, or alter the terms of this Agreement. Neither party will be bound by, and specifically objects to, any term, condition, or other provision that is different from or in addition to this Agreement (whether or not it would materially alter this Agreement) that is proffered by the other party in any acceptance, confirmation, invoice, purchase order, receipt, correspondence, or otherwise, unless each party mutually and expressly agrees to such provision in writing.

Last Updated:   November 2023

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